POA CIA de DançaPOA CIA de Dança



Conscious Movements to Feel Your Best and Prevent Stress
We are pleased to invite you to participate in one or more Biostretch workshops that could transform the way you move around the world. Besides, will be possible to book private sessions too.
Welcome to a new way of thinking about health.
A Better Posture workshop
Your posture matters, it tells about your physical development since birth and reflects your habits of how you use your body and relate to the environment, in the present.
Your posture is the way you move through life and encounter the world, how you organize yourself to move. It profoundly affects your comfort, ease of movement, health, emotions and life experience. While each of us has fantastic skeletons and musculature designed to give us flexible support and keep us upright against gravity, we often develop postural habits that challenge the effectiveness of our skeletal structure and cause some concerns.
A Better Posture workshop is an opportunity to dissolve old self-limiting postural habits and replace them with a more effective and less stressful organization; a better posture. As your posture improves, you may feel like you are accessing new parts of yourself or parts that have long been forgotten. Healthy posture is stable yet flexible and helps promote an overall sense of well-being. Read more…
Daily Movements to Prevent Stress workshop
Excessive effort and habitual tension are exhausting and can lead to burnout. In addition to causing many physical problems, they are often associated with anxiety, stress, and other related emotional challenges. Stress is a natural and universal response to difficult situations. It’s how to respond to stress that makes the difference between feeling good and freaking out.
In Daily Movements to Prevent Stress workshop, guided gentle sequences of movements will help participants quiet the nervous system, relax the mind and directing attention to areas that are in a “holding pattern” with excess muscular tension.
These will be the first steps to balance the system. Learning how to reach this state in the daily activities will allow participants to access a healthier and calmer internal state. Read more…
Breathing, Stretching and Meditating workshop
Meditating is a non-doing.
In the East it is a practice that has been part of the culture for thousands of years, but in our Western lifestyle, we are not encouraged to do this. We end up developing a restless body and mind that becomes an obstacle when we just want to sit in silence, relaxed and present.
In the Breathing, Stretching and Meditating workshop, we will first prepare our body to be able to sit more comfortably. Let’s release the joints, relax tensions and find points of support in the body that help us to sit with the spine straight and immobile, making the body receptive to a meditative space.
Besides, let’s work on breathing so that it can be an anchor for the moment, keeping us present and awake. Exercises to expand the movement of the diaphragm and increase our awareness of how we breathe are the way to release and expand the breath.
At the end of the classes, we will be prepared to sit down and surrender ourselves to this non-doing, inviting the meditation to take place. Read more…

Who teaches the workshop:

Safia Tânia Baumann is a dancer and director of Porto Alegre Companhia de Dança, based in Brazil. Graduated in classical ballet, she trained in Ukraine and Cuba. She studied modern dance and different somatic education techniques in New York. Creator of the Biostretch System, she teaches dance and Biostretch courses in different countries.

Next Editions  Oslo – Bergen/Norway


A Better Posture: May 11 and 12
Daily Movements to Prevent Stress: May 18 and 19
Daily Movements to Prevent Stress – May 25 and 26
Breathing, Stretching and Meditating – June 15 and 16


Saturday (two sesions): from 10h to 12h and from 14h to 16h
Sunday: from 11h to 13h


Angelos senteret
Øvre Korskirkealmenning 4 Bergen 5017 Bergen, Norway
Zen House
Sporveisgt 29, Oslo, Norway

Facilitator: Safia Tânia Baumann

Audience: people of all ages

More information: safia@poaciadanca.com.br

Sign up: registration form

About poaciadanca
Biostretch Tour Norway 2024