POA CIA de DançaPOA CIA de Dança



BE TOTAL dance workshop is an invitation to get lost in dance. It is a dip in the now, in the movement that is happening in the moment and does not allow the interference of thoughts.
BE TOTAL is about allowing each movement to be complete and whole. You are there doing it and at the same time letting yourself be carried away by it. A dance appears that is not yours, does not belong to anyone, but happens and exists through you. It is the totality dancing, it is simply dance.
BE TOTAL is the third module of BE THE DANCE, a series of four dance workshops open to everyone, people with or without dance experience. Be Water and Be Balance already happened in Bergen, now is time to Be Total.
The workshop will be taught by Safia, a German-Brazilian dancer and director of Companhia de Dança de Porto Alegre. According to her: “Dance is in our body, in our cells, in our history, in our soul. BE TOTAL is about joy, pleasure, the freedom to give yourself completely, dancing. The workshop is for all those who want to feel whole, complete, total, a dancing being”.

Next Edition
– dance workshop

When: 31/08  and 01/09 2024

Time: Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 4pm.

Where: Arhat Senteret – Tyttebærbrekko 2 – Straume Sotra, Bergen/Norway

Facilitator: Safia (Tânia Baumann)

Audience: people with or without experience in dancing, from 13 years old

More information: safia@poaciadanca.com.br

Sign up: Be Total form

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Be Total